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Unlock the Power of Xero Training

Let’s face it; Xero is as user-friendly as they come. Its simple interface and intuitive design make your everyday bookkeeping tasks super easy and straightforward. But here’s the kicker: you still need to know what buttons to push and levers to pull to unlock its true power and ensure you are not creating a mess for yourself under the surface.

While Xero is indeed a game-changer, harnessing its full potential requires a bit of know-how. Like any software unless you live in it all day everyday you probably only understand it on a surface level.

Given Xero manages your business’ financial health, accuracy and compliance requirements, ‘surface level” really doesn’t cut it.

You want to be 100% sure your business financial, payroll and tax data is set up to be accurate and compliant. That does not happen with “surface level” understanding of the software. So you need Xero training with a professional bookkeeper who is a Xero certified advisor.

NOTE: Even if you do not want to engage a professional bookkeeper to maintain your books on an ongoing basis, we strongly suggest engaging a professional bookkeeper to set up your Xero File correctly from the start.  At a minimum this will help you to avoid costly mistakes  and potential issues caused by incorrect settings and structure of the file, but more than that you will learn how to take advantage of all the features and efficiencies built into your Xero file to will save you time and money.

So when we run a Xero Training Session we also check that your Xero File has been set up correctly. Think about it, there is ZERO POINT showing you all the benefits and features of Xero only to overlook the fact the file has been set up incorrectly from the start.

Not only do we show you how to use all the features of Xero with training, we check your set up and settings are accurate for your business.

This could include;

  • Customizing your invoices so they are compliant and look professional
  • Getting your Bank Transactions automatically populating into the Xero File
  • Bank Rules can be created to ensure consistent account and tax coding
  • Your supplier payments are scheduled and paid in 1 Bank File not everyone paid individually
  • Your employees are set up in Xero Me (Xero Employee App)to access their own payslip and submit leave requests
  • Employee Expenses claims can be established that require approval before payment
  • You are tracking your jobs or events or whatever “category” you would like to track
  • Your Price List is entered with templated descriptions and prices for drop down efficiency
  • Recurring invoices are created as a set and forget
  • Credit Card Processing is set up and connected to your invoices for prompt client payments
  • Your payroll calendars, pay items and employees are set up correctly
  • STP reporting is connected to the ATO
  • Your Tax/GST settings are calculating correctly and you are connected direct to the ATO for lodgment (if you chose to be)
  • Your Profit & Loss Statement is customized to give you an accurate financial statement for your business
  • Your Balance sheet has all the required accounts created (assets/equipment, loans/liabilities)


Once we know your file is set up correctly, we show you how to best maintain your Xero File and make full use of the features to save you time and money.

We are passionate about helping businesses of all sizes unlock the full potential of Xero. Whether you’re a small startup or a well-established company, we’ve got the tools, the knowledge, and the expertise to ensure you are making the most out of your Xero subscription and that most importantly your books are accurate and you using all the efficiencies available to you to get back precious hours in your day.

When it comes to Xero training, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. That’s why we offer both 1:1 and group sessions, tailored to your specific needs. We can offer a guided session for complete beginners or a Q&A session for more experienced users who have specific questions they want answered. We also offer recorded sessions so you can refer back whenever you need.

If you think your Xero File is not set up correctly or that you are not using the Xero features to its full potential please book in a session with Kate. We would love to answer your questions and have you feeling more confident using Xero for your business.