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Whilst we are located in Queensland we actually support our amazing clients all over Australia whether you’re located in any of our capitol cities or more remote/rural areas.

Although virtual bookkeeping has always been around, it really has been since COVID that more and more programs and platforms have developed their cloud based solutions and more platforms have entered the market which means we can support our clients wherever they may be located.

But don’t worry if you are not technologically savvy, you don’t need to be. We can do as much or as little as you like, and it is our job to make your life easier, so we will offer solutions based on your technology comfort level no matter your location.

Additionally Kate is always out and about, getting around to see all the clients periodically or sooner if needed, to check in on you, trouble shoot any issues you are having and just have a coffee (or a wine 😉) and a catch up.

Finding the right bookkeeper for your business is FAR more important than where they are located. We really partner with our clients and are often the first call when they have a question, concern or need some advice on the fly. We offer this support and service because it is who we are, and it doesn’t matter if we are down the road, or on the other side of the country.

If you think you would like to discuss your current bookkeeping headaches,  and would like to know how we can fix them for you please schedule a call with Kate. We would love to look after you 😊